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The Reunion After Seven Years


Read The Reunion After Seven Years by Mia Evans. Genre: Chinese novels. Read the full novel online for free hereAfter be...


The Wife of the Wealthy Family Is Fierce and Cute


A woman from ancient times falls in love with her soulmate.Chu Luo is the most powerful High Priestess. She is like a celestial being, able to peer into the secrets of heaven and sever life and death. Her skills in medicine and poison are the best in the world.One day sudden death greets her and she is reborn in the body of a problematic girl who was about to graduate from high school and had planned to commit suicide by jumping off a building because of a failed confession.Her parents did not love her; her biological sister bullied her, and her classmates were violent…The corners of Chu Luo's lips curls up into a cold arc. 'Very good, anyone who dares to bully me will be killed without mercy!'…Later…The priest is only passionate about three things:1. Being first place wins all kinds of certificate awards.2. Specialize in all kinds of things and never admit defeat.3. Act cute to Li Yan.…Li Yan is the king of the business empire. He is cold-blooded, heartless, and has a violent temperament. He disregards his family and is called the Devil in private.Legend has it that a few years ago, he burned away half of his family with a fire. Because of this, he was cursed and his legs became disabled.…Later on…Everyone is horrified to discover that the Devil and the Demoness are together! The Devil has even become a crazy wife-doting demon!Scenes:Master Li: "My Luoluo's body is delicate and expensive. If anyone dares to bully her, I'll send them to hell."The group of experts who have been beaten up by Chu Luo into a sorry pulp: "Master Li, are you blind?"Master Li: "My Luoluo doesn't like studying. Please be more forgiving."Teachers from various professions: "Could it be that the person who thrashed our class's top student is someone else?"


Farming in the Mountains: Max Level Jiaojiao Is Three Years Old


In his previous life, Xue Yan was a powerful minister. When he returned to seven years of age, he no longer wanted to be one anymore. He simply wanted to settle down in this ravine, be a farmer like his brothers, and grow crops like ordinary people, so that he wouldn’t end up as he did in his previous life. In that life, he had all the power in the world, but his family was not fated to have a good ending. Unexpectedly, his father picked up a baby girl. She was great in all aspects except one. She couldn’t be allowed to sneak out alone. Otherwise, she would bring back a great general one time, and bring back a prince with a different surname the next. She even rescued the empress dowager of this dynasty…Not long after, she brought back the Emperor!***Jiang Yu, the best commander of Area A in the wasteland age, had transmigrated through ancient times and become a three-and-a-half-year-old girl!


80 Years Of Signing-In At The Cold Palace, I Am Unrivalled


Lin Jiufeng transmigrates to become the Yuhua God Dynasty’s Crown Prince but is dethroned, banished to the Cold Palace, and imprisoned there because he had released the holy maiden of their rival country.Lin Jiufeng isn’t dejected. He has brought a sign-in system with him when he transmigrated and he would receive rewards when he signs in at different places.Before the Cold Palace’s gates, he signs in and receives the Ultimate Heaven Slashing Sword Skill!In the Great Council Hall, he signs in and receives the Heaven Patching Technique!In the Empress Dowager’s palace, he signs in and receives the God of War Totem!…Liu Jiufeng imagines that he can quietly sign in like this until he becomes invincible. Yet who would have imagined that the Heavenly Concubine whom he secretly released would rise in rebellion and seize power after she returns to her country?After she succeeds, her first priority is to attack the Yuhua God Dynasty to rescue Lin Jiufeng.When Liu Jiufeng hears of this news, he’s puzzled. “Do I need you to rescue me?”


I Repeated The Same Day For 500 Years


Jiang Tong was a person who had no tomorrow. She was stuck in an endless loop, repeating the same day, 4th April of the year 2022. From the initial excitement up until despair, Jiang Tong had tried everything to escape. She killed herself countless times, using different methods, but she would always wake up on the day of 4th April 2022. To pass her unlimited time, she learned more than a thousand and three hundred skills. From languages, to shooting skills, culinary skills, performing arts, etc. Jiang Tong learned everything imaginable. She enjoyed the excitement and hotblooded fights brought about by wrestling; she enjoyed the speed and thrill brought about by car racing; the pleasure of seducing and tasting all kinds of handsome men; the therapeutic sensations of playing various instruments.No matter how much trouble she got into, when it got to four in the morning, she would suddenly fall asleep and wake up on the morning of 4th April. Until… After countless trials and errors, she finally managed to bed Z City’s most dignified but also the weakest young master, Ji Lanzhou. Ji Lanzhou was the Ji family’s youngest young master. Due to his frail body, he was the apple of the Ji family’s eye. No one in Z City dared to mess with him. But Jiang Tong didn’t care because she would have to relive this day again tomorrow. Yet… When dawn came, Jiang Tong was shocked to find Ji Lanzhou sleeping on her bed when she opened her eyes. The man even looked pale from having overexerted himself. Jiang Tong was delighted! She looked at her phone, and the date showed 5th April, 2022! After five hundred years, more than a hundred and eighty days, she was finally out of the loop! Ji Lanzhou woke up to see Jiang Tong laughing and crying like a mad woman. He pursed his pale lips and said, “Liar.” Jiang Tong raised an eyebrow. “It was an accident, Sweetie. So now I have to run for my life.” Ji Lanzhou was baffled.


Signing In For Eight Years, I Was Exposed As A Zillionaire!


Ye Xuan transmigrated back to when he was an infant cuddling in the embraces of his nine older sisters. He activated the God-tier Sign-in System.[You are hugged by your eldest sister, who is the COO of a financial conglomerate. You signed in and obtained RMB100000000.][You are fed medicine by your second sister, who is crowned the God Hand. You signed in and acquired god-tier acupuncture skills.][You trained along with your third sister, who is a Martial Arts Grandmaster. You signed in and your overall physique improved.][You live-streamed with your fourth sister, who is the top news anchor in the country. You signed in and acquired extraordinary good looks.]……Ye Xuan could sign in daily!After staying in the city and signing in for eight years, Ye Xuan had accumulated an astronomical amount of wealth and become a billionaire.On his eighth birthday, his nine sisters were forced by the grand elder of their clan to get married. Just when everyone had lost hope of turning things around, Ye Xuan hopped down from his eldest sister’s embrace and said, “You’re marrying my sisters off against their wills. Have you consulted me about this?”


Descent of the Phoenix 13 Years Old Princess Consort


The strongest female assassin from a special assassination force met her death one day on a mission. To her surprise, she woke up in the body of a 13 year old girl, Mu Rong Liu Yue. Through Liu Yue’s past memories, she found out that she was bullied due to the huge birthmark on her face, even though she came from a renowned family. Liu Yue was beaten to death by her own cousin, and that’s how she managed to enter Liu Yue’s battered body. The assassin then decided to live her life as Liu Yue and swore to avenge her death.


Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years


Being reincarnated in a cultivation world, Han Jue realizes that he can live his life like a video game. He can reroll his cultivation potential and connate providence.So, he spends 11 years rerolling for a good one…[Unparalleled: Immortal beauty, top-notch charm] [Destined Sword Fanatic: Top-notch Sword Dao aptitude, top-notch Sword Dao comprehension] [Unparalleled Movement Technique: Top-notch movement technique aptitude] [Descendant of the Immortal Emperor: You will receive an unparalleled cultivation technique and 1,000 superior-grade spirit stones]In pursuit of longevity, Han Jue decides to cultivate in a low-profile manner.A thousand years later, generations of cultivators have become history.That is when the Immortal Realm decides to clean up the mortal world. So, Han Jue finally has no choice but to take action.Then he realizes, deities and gods aren’t that powerful after all!


The Great Mage Returns After 4000 Years


The worst student of Westroad Academy. The disgrace of the Blake House. A new soul enters the body of Frey Blake, who couldn’t overcome his miserable life and chose death instead.«What’s with this body? I’ll have to work on tuning it from scratch.»The Great Mage Lucas Traumen, with the body of Frey Blake, gains a chance at revenge!


Sign In Ten Years, Then I Am Exposed By My Gorgeous Senior


Ye Chen transmigrated to a fantasy world and realized that he had seven seniors in his clan, and all of them were of stunning beauty.Eldest senior, Empress in Red!Second, Frost Sword Goddess!Third, the Unreal Goddess!…Seventh, Unparalleled Prodigy!Ye Chen who was born unable to cultivate awakened the Sign-In system, and sneakily signed in at the Immortal Destiny Holy Land every day.Ye Chen said, «I’ll sign in quietly, then one day, I’ll shock everyone with my strength!»
